
Stroll fined at Suzuka GP practice

In recent days, test laps are being held for the Formula 1 drivers who will participate in the Grand Prix which will be held this Sunday. At the Suzuka GP tests, however, Lance Stroll was fined for… speeding!

It seems like it's a joke, yet even Formula 1 drivers can be fined for going too fast on the tracks they compete on. Despite the 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, the Suzuka GP it will be done anyway and in these days the drivers are practicing on the track to give their best possible time, an essential training to arrive prepared for the actual race. However (and we are not joking when we tell you this), it is possible receive fines for speeding on the track, although this requires high speed. This is what happened to Canadian pilot Lance Stroll. The pilot, in fact, would have been going at one speed slightly higher of the 80 km/h limit on the pit lane, i.e. a 80.9 km/h.

Stroll fined at Suzuka GP practiceStroll fined at Suzuka GP practice

Suzuka GP: how much will Stroll have to pay for the fine?

Now that we have discovered that it is possible to receive a speeding ticket where speeding is required, how much will Stroll have to pay for the fine? Luckily it's not something that will change his life, in fact the fine is only 100 euros. A truly minimal sum, given what Formula 1 drivers earn. What matters is that, during testing, Lance Stroll finished FP1 at 15th place, a full two seconds behind Max Verstappen's time. The fact that is most worrying, however, is the fact that Stroll has a second and a half gap from his teammate. This data therefore indicates that the Canadian driver was unable to exploit the aerodynamic innovations of Aston Martin in the section of the bellies, the bottom and the diffuser.

What do you think of this discovery? Of course, the possibility of having fines on the Grand Prix tracks is a very curious thing, but we repeat that what matters is how long it takes Stroll to finish the track and the data is not at all reassuring. Tell us your opinion in the comments and continue to follow us on techgameworld.com for other news from the world of Formula 1 and much more.