I siti di phishing si moltiplicano durante il periodo di shopping natalizio thumbnail

Phishing sites multiply during the holiday shopping period

Phishing sites multiply during the Christmas shopping period. Thumbnail

One’survey conducted by Ermes – Intelligent Web Protection sound the alarm on spread of phishing sites. In the period between Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday and the beginning of Advent, in fact, the detection of phishing sites recorded an increase of + 92%. Consumers are therefore bombarded with emails, SMS and advertisements that anticipate unmissable offers. At the same time, the entire supply chain suffers damage to its image during a period that can represent between 20% and 40% of turnover.

Phishing sites and other cyber threats: the holiday shopping period puts users at risk

The data collected by Ermes – Intelligent Web Protection confirm that during the period of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, Italians spent 21% more than in 2020. Confidence in online shopping is growing but harmful e-commerce campaigns are also growing.n phishing sites up 92%. Hackers aim to get hold of users’ credit card data, steal their digital identity and sensitive information. Ermes warns users against the risk of malicious links. Hackers use various techniques (smishing, phishing and vishing, malvertising and social media phishing). Unknown cyberattack techniques are on the rise by 13.9% which aggravate what industry experts call a global emergency.

Hermes’ comment

Hassan Metwalley, CEO and Co-Founder of Ermes – Intelligent Web Protection, points out: “In recent days, our software powered by patented artificial intelligence algorithms have intercepted over 1607 malicious sites. Like everyone else, I myself keep getting promotional messages that may be hiding real threats. Taking advantage of the online shopping frenzy for Christmas, hackers are hitting consumers at this time of year characterized by dizzying discounts “

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.