Addebiti non autorizzati su PostePay dal Play Store: come chiedere il rimborso thumbnail

PostePay does not work: down the site and the app of Poste Italiane

PostePay doesn't work: down the Poste Italiane website and app thumbnail

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If you are experiencing disruptions with the digital features of Later Italianrest assured, you are not alone. Currently PostePay does not work and BancoPoste is also gripped by technical problems. In general most of the functionality of the app and of the Poste Italiane website are down.

The first disruptions began around 09:30 this morning (December 15, 2022) and the general down occurred around 11:50. DownDetector – which collects user reports regarding malfunctioning of websites and digital services – reveals that the problems are extended homogeneously to the entire Italian territory.

Emblematic is the fact that just last year, on December 13, 2021, Poste Italiane experienced a similar downturn.

PostePay does not work and it is not possible to book tickets

Currently, in addition to PostePay, it is also impossible to use the ticket booking services for post office counters. The luckiest ones who are currently managing to log in complain of serious slowdowns in the most basic operations. Others instead encounter an unspecified “Error 503”. For the vast majority, however, the app and website simply won’t load. At the moment the causes of the disservice are not yet knownbut we will keep you updated as soon as we know more

Until then we advise you to be patient, especially if you intend to carry out transactions and move money.

  • Mark Brunasso

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.