Nasce Range Rover Academy in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Torino thumbnail

Range Rover Academy was born in collaboration with the Turin Polytechnic

I “Leader by Example” from Range Rover meet the students of the Turin Polytechnic within the newRange Rover Academy“, to discuss the future, creativity and sustainability.

Range Rover meets the Turin Polytechnic

Land Rover has been committed, since 1970, to creating luxury off-road vehicles with the Range Rover range, confirming itself not only as one of the leaders in the reference industry, but remaining firm in its convictions and anchored to its origins.

And since leadership and creativity are the basis of the brand, Range Rover has entered into a partnership with the Turin Polytechnic as part of the Leader by Example project.

“I am really very satisfied with the collaboration with the Polytechnic of Turin, our partner in this value project which, personally, I hold dear” he has declared Marco Santucci, CEO of Jaguar Land Rover Italy.

“Our desire is to outline, together with the students involved, the traits of tomorrow’s leader, of those who will be able to face new challenges with a new approach, which I would define as kind, distinguished by a strong ethical and sustainable connotation, whatever the field professional affiliation”.

guido saracco and marco santucci

Leader by Example

Five leaders of today, who excel in their professional fields, were called to share their experiences.

We are talking about: Hector BocchiaLeader by Emotion, Camilla LunelliLeader by Networking, Alberto GalassiLeader by Attitude, Stefano SelettiLeader by Vision e Michael PontecorvoLeader by Determination.

The five immediately got involved, telling each other with naturalness and authenticity. In particular, they focused on how leadership was instrumental in achieving their goals.

Objective: to train the students of the Polytechnic of Turin

Il goal to reach is to train the protagonists of tomorrow, supporting the development of figures who will be able to deal with changes in global scenarios.

The students to whom the action of the Academy is aimed are above all those of the degree course in Design and visual communication and Systemic Design.

Thanks to workshops and team activities, whose central theme is sustainable culture, students will be able to dialogue and confront the five leaders.

Range Rover Academy

And it is from this starting point that nasce la Range Rover Academy. It is an educational path that sees the generation of current leaders try to train, intrigue, confront university students who could become the leaders of tomorrow, contributing to a better future.

But who is the leader?

In summary, the leader is the one who through unique behaviors, badges e virtuous create followers, generate the conditions for writing the future. The leader is the one who has the courage to dare and accept challenges without fear.

rangerover academy image 1 turin polytechnic

Students are the central element to be educated, recognized and supported. And because it is important to reward the most deservingthe project will become a training-work momentin which students will have the opportunity to have an all-round experience to outline the future face of the company.

“I am sure that this initiative will pave the way for new and interesting collaborations with Jaguar Land Rover Italia, especially in the field of innovative teaching in which the University is investing heavily” he commented Guido Saracco, Rector of the Turin Polytechnico.

“We can boast a unique know-how in Italy in the automotive and design sectors, and this will allow us to achieve important results together and offer our students new and interesting professional opportunities”.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.