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Road trip by electric car: which countries are “EV friendly”?

Which countries are “EV friendly”? Let’s find out together where to make road trips by electric car. Here are all the details in this article

I viaggi on the road they represent a unique and exciting experience to try at least once in a lifetime during your holidays. Total freedom, absence of time constraints or fixed itineraries and greater flexibility regarding the weight and size of luggage: this type of trip is certainly not for everyone, but more and more travelers prefer a certain amount of unpredictability to meticulous planning . However, with the ever-increasing diffusion of electric mobility, even road trips are evolving, often encountering the need to plan one’s itinerary at least to avoid nasty surprises.

In fact, if on the one hand the absence of constraints represents a great advantage, on the other hand recharging electric vehicles requires greater organization to enjoy the chosen route in peace. Despite these challenges, road trips allow you to have an authentic experience and to discover hidden and little-visited places, you just need to know where to go! For this reason, Hive Power leads us to the discovery of top 5 countries where the charging infrastructure is more advanced and where it’s easier to travel with a EVwhether it’s owned or rented by us!

Road trip by electric car: which countries are "EV friendly"?


At the top of our ranking we find the Netherlands, land of canals, windmills and… sustainable mobility! Located in northwestern Europe and best known for the originality and extravagance of its capital, Amsterdam, the Kingdom of the Netherlands also holds the highest share of electric charging infrastructure compared to the rest of Europe: with 111,821 installed chargers confirms itself as a true paradise for lovers of EVs (electric vehicles).

Road trip by electric car: which countries are "EV friendly"?


The France, an ideal destination for lovers of good wine and culture, is instead placed in second place: traveling the length and breadth of the Land of Enlightenment by electric car is facilitated by the presence of 83,317 charging points, distributed in medium and large cities size near shopping malls, supermarkets and gas stations. Then visit the Côte d’Azur, stopping off at the great golden beaches of Menton and Cannes and move worry-free southwest to Bordeaux to enjoy an aperitif with oysters and wine after a refreshing dip in the wild waters of the Atlantic Ocean, recharging it will not be among your problems!

Road trip by electric car: which countries are "EV friendly"?


For lovers of historic cities, but at the same time avant-garde and multicultural, we have good news: the Germania in fact, it ranks third for the number of charging stations installed! The Teutonic nation has 82,609 points, distributed fairly evenly throughout the country, with a greater concentration especially in large cities. We therefore advise you to start from Berlin, where, while waiting to charge your car at one of the 869 charging stations present, you can stop at the East Side Gallery to admire the murals that run along the best-preserved stretch of the Wall. Once you have filled up, you can leave for Hamburg or Bremen, the first ideal for those looking for a lively and colorful city, the second more suitable for childhood nostalgics, looking for magical places in which to experience the atmospheres narrated in Interior of The Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

Road trip by electric car: which countries are "EV friendly"?


In fourth place in our ranking we finally find Italythan with his 30,787 recharge points (data updated to 31 December 2022), lends itself well to a holiday on the road. The highest incidence is recorded in the regions of Northern Italy, Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto in particular, and in Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. So why not take advantage of it to make some of the most beautiful panoramic roads in our country? Among these we recommend the Regina, which allows you to make stops in the most famous places on Lake Como, the Barolo road, in Piedmont, and finally the Chiantigiana, a road that connects Florence to Siena, passing through the suggestive hilly landscapes of Chianti.

Road trip by electric car: which countries are "EV friendly"?


The sunny Spain wins the last place in the standings with ben 29,539 top-up points, overtaking Sweden thanks to unprecedented growth in the electric mobility sector. If you are planning a summer road trip, its east coast could be the ideal choice: visit Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Cartagena to discover the wonders of the Spanish Mediterranean, sure to find charging points along the way. Spain is in fact investing more and more in sustainable mobility, becoming a point of reference for travelers who wish to discover the beauties of the country aboard electric vehicles.

In Europe it is easy to find a place to relax even when traveling by electric car, but to make a truly sustainable choice, when possible, remember to choose charging points powered by renewable sources. For example, the charging points served by FLEXO, Hive Power’s AI softwareare optimized for renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics and guarantee a recharge 100% ecological. For more news from the world of engines, keep tuning in to techgameworld.com.