Scarlet Nexus preview: first encounter with the Brainpunk

The Scarlet Nexus demo is currently available on Xbox family consoles, and we couldn’t help but try it out and let you know our impressions in this preview.

There is now about a month to go until the release of Scarlet Nexus, the new action / RPG in development at Bandai Namco, and we have not been able to resist the temptation to try it properly demo of this interesting production. Released last weekend, currently exclusively for Xbox family consoles (on PlayStation will arrive later this week), the demonstration session allowed us to spend a few hours in the company of the two playable characters that will be present in the final release, Yuito e Kasane, to each of which an introductory mission is dedicated.

Although it is too early to comment on the actual goodness of the game, this preliminary meeting was useful to take a closer look at the gameplay which, net of the physiological brevity of the demo, has put some interesting ideas on the plate. Let’s find out together in our preview, waiting for the final judgment that we will propose to you during the review.

The power of the mind

One of the most interesting aspects of Scarlet Nexus, which we have learned to know and appreciate since the first trailers that accompanied the reveal of the game, is certainly the peculiar narrative setting, known by the name of Brainpunk. It is a peculiar stylistic choice, capable of undoubtedly mixing technology and psychic powers, a combination that has given life to a game world with a decidedly inspired appeal, as well as capable of recalling numerous iconic Japanese productions. A clear example of this is the mission that will accompany us Yuito, and that for most of its development takes place between buildings that evoke with extreme vehemence the visual suggestions of the Ghost in the Shell diretto da Mamoru Oshii.

Beyond the aesthetics, however, at the center of the story we will find the threat of the White Walkers, mysterious biomechanical entities that are jeopardizing the survival of mankind. To counter this threat, therefore, the ESF (Forces of Suppression of Strangers): these are particular armed groups that include among their ranks warriors in possession of peculiar psychic powers, the only means of defense against Strangers. Of course, the demo in question did not allow us to properly delve into the narrative aspect of Scarlet Nexus, since it is limited to simply introducing the two playable characters, therefore at least on this aspect we reserve the right to express a more complete judgment in the review phase.

Scarlet Nexus preview: first encounter with the Brainpunk

The World Is My Weapon – Scarlet Nexus Preview

Although it has been announced for a few months already, there was a lot of curiosity about the gameplay of the Bandai Namco production, but after testing the demo su Xbox Series X we were extremely reassured by what the development team came up with to entertain the players. The focus of the production, being an action / RPG, will be the fights, which will be based on an interesting combination that involves sidearms and psychic powers: each of the two protagonists, in fact, can boast of a range of melee moves (close together in the case of Yuito and at a medium distance as regards Kasane), that in order to maximize the damage inflicted, however, they will have to be combined with the telekinetic powers in their possession. These will allow, by pressing the triggers of the pad, to raise and hurl the numerous interactive objects present in the game area at the enemies, giving life to fighting situations that are partly reminiscent of the clashes seen in Control.

However, that’s not all, since to reinvigorate the dynamic combat system we will also find the possibility of harness the powers of our teammates. By combining the pressure of the right dorsal with one of the four front buttons of the pad, in fact, we will be able to create new effects: in the demo we were able to experience pyrokinesis, invisibility, teleportation and many others, but as the full-bodied skill suggests tree present in the production, in addition to the numerous characters simply crossed in the two preliminary sorties, you can bet that the possibilities will be really numerous. To close the circle of the possibility of offense, moreover, we also find some spectacular finishers (which by direction are partly reminiscent of those seen in Person 5), as well as the ability to unleash support attacks from other team members.

What emerges from this mix of elements is a definitely layered and varied combat system, but that at least in the opening bars could be somewhat chaotic to metabolize, also given the sustained frenzy of the game action. The icing on the cake of the two runs is it clash with the final boss, unfortunately identical for both characters, which did not require a trivial button mashing to be defeated, but has put on the plate a couple of definitely more interesting strategic mechanics. Let’s hope it’s just a tasty appetizer while waiting for a lavish lunch.

Scarlet Nexus preview: first encounter with the Brainpunk

Stylistic Fusions – Scarlet Nexus Preview

Always remaining in the field of preliminary impressions, much more measured is the judgment relating to the technical sector of Scarlet Nexus, which during the demo showed a fluctuating trend. The general visual level, as a whole, is certainly positive, mainly by virtue of the perfectly suited style mentioned in the opening preview. The picture returned by the graphics in force to the production Bandai Namco, although not very original in terms of character design, it manages to give life to a successful mix of inspirations, ranging from Person 5, a Code Vein (coincidentally by the same manufacturer of the game in question), passing through the series Tales of and not sparing even a few hints a Valkyria Chronicles di SEGA.

The flagship, however, will be the very valuable animated interludes, of which it is possible to have a taste thanks to the two trailers present at the end of the two playable missions. It convinces, beyond all the general character design, as well as that of the Strangers appeared in the trial version, which in some cases can only bring to mind some suggestions in sauce Evangelion. To disappoint, therefore, are some surrounding elements present in the various scenarios, which do not hide a somewhat sketchy polygonal modeling and certainly not capable of making the eyes roll.

These are accompanied by some textures with far too poor definition, which end up out of tune a little too much within the general context. On the other hand, nothing to complain about the frame rate and the general cleanliness of the scene, just as the fans can only be happy.excellent voice over in Japanese language (also present the dubbing in English, and the localization in Italian of all the texts).

Scarlet Nexus preview: first encounter with the Brainpunk

We are waiting

We were intrigued by Scarlet Nexus since the first announcement, and the close encounter with the new creature Bandai Namco, made possible by the demo tested on Xbox Series X, has done nothing but sharpen that sense of impatience that separates us from release finale, which we remind you set for June 25th. Although, as we would like to remember, it is still too early to give a definitive judgment, it is undeniable that what has been tested at the moment has proved to be extremely solid and convincing at a playful level. Of course, there is no lack of somewhat derivative elements, but the resulting mix is ​​equally stimulating to play, thanks to a solid gameplay, which is joined by a visual style that is certainly effective.

Of course it remains to be seen how everything will behave in the long run and, above all, if the narrative premises will be able to give life to a compelling story, but to dispel these doubts the appointment can only be postponed to the final review, which we at we will not fail to offer you.

Before saying goodbye, and renewing the invitation to stay tuned on our pages, we take the opportunity to remind you that on Instant Gaming you will find many games at a discounted price, with which you can pass the wait that separates us from the debut of this promising action / RPG .