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Sony Research will study AI, virtual spaces and more

Sony Research will study AI, virtual spaces and not just thumbnails

Sony announced the birth of a new internal division: Sony Research. The business unit is dedicated to the research and development of innovative technologies in various fields, including sensors, virtual spaces and Artificial Intelligence.

Sony Research: the business unit studies AI, virtual and beyond

Sony Research’s mission is to “enable creators around the world to better express their creativity, intellectual property value and fan engagement,” according to Sony.

The unit will explore the potential of emerging technologies and apply them to Sony products and services. With a long-term and transversal vision for the various sectors in which the Japanese giant operates.

Among the research topics that will be addressed by Sony Research are the advanced sensors, which concerns the development of innovative sensors for data collection and analysis. Data that will make it possible to make the most of virtual spaces and enable Artificial Intelligence, which includes the study and application of algorithms capable of generate and manipulate text, images, sounds and other content.

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Sony Research will also incorporate Sony AI, the division founded in 2020 to focus on Artificial Intelligence. Which will become one of the three main research areas of the new division, together with advanced sensors and virtual spaces.

He will lead the new division Hiroaki Kitano, currently Senior Executive Vice President and CTO of Sony Group Corporation. The unit will have offices in Japan, the United States and Europe.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.