Spotify testa l'abbonamento Plus thumbnail

Spotify tests the Plus subscription

Spotify Plus it would seem to be the new subscription designed by the platform for those who want to access some premium features but without subscribing to a too expensive tariff plan. Apparently, in fact, it should include advertising just like in the free version of the App. But it should also allow users to skip an unlimited number of tracks and of listen to the songs they want. In short, a happy medium between the Premium plan and the Free one, which seems to cost $ 0.99 per month. But let’s find out more about it.

Spotify Plus, the new subscription tested by the platform

As far as we know, a user saw a new advertisement for Spotify Plus, the new subscription of the platform proposed at a cost of $ 0.99, circulating on the Net. A figure that could be purely indicative. We are quite certain, in fact, that the App is carrying out a series of tests to verify the interest of users. In any case, beyond the price, what really interests us are the features offered by this tariff plan. The intent of the platform is clearly to propose to users a less restrictive service compared to that of the free plan, where users can skip a maximum of 6 songs per hour. And listen to only specific tracks from 15 selected playlists.

Spotify Plus

Conversely, Spotify Plus should not include any of these restrictions, effectively allowing users to listen to what they want when they want. But without being able to give up advertisements. A sensible compromise, considering the price. And while the platform has not yet confirmed any new subscription plans, a spokesperson recently leaked something about future projects: “We are always working to improve the Spotify experience and regularly conduct tests to inform our decisions. We are currently conducting a test of an ad-supported subscription plan with a limited number of our users ”.

Despite this, however, Spotify has made it known that there is no certainty that the new subscription will actually be made available to the public. “Some tests end up paving the way for new offerings or improvements, while others may only provide lessons. We currently have no further information to share ”. We won’t know what’s going to happen then, but we’re pretty sure Spotify Plus might be the right pricing plan for many of us.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.