Synchron testa sugli umani i primi impianti cerebrali per controllare computer thumbnail

Synchron tests the first brain implants to control computers on humans

the startup Synchronousbacked by investors such as Jeff Bezos e Bill Gatesis starting to test its own i on humansbrain implants that allow you to control computers. Something that will help communicate and not just several people suffering from paralysis.

Synchron, the first brain implants to control PCs tested on humans

The company implements its Synchron Switch through blood vessels, to allow people with very limited physical mobility to manage PCs and smart home devices using their mind. So far, the technology has been tested on three patients in the US and four in Australia.

“I’ve seen moments between patient and partner, or patient and spouse, where they’re incredibly happy to have regained the ability to be a little more independent than before,” said the Synchron CEO. Tom Oxley to CNBC in an interview.

synchron mind-controlled computers on humans min 1Philip O’Keefe, one of the patients (Source: Synchron)

Since 2012 Synchron has been part of the sector of BCI, o Brain-Computer-Interface. An area in which Neuralink, the company founded by Elon Musk, is perhaps best known. But that Synchron beat the time to try the technology on humans.

Last December, Synchron received 75 million dollars with investments from Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. It therefore seems that several tech investors believe a lot in this technology, also for its possible use in the future.

Synchron does not implement its technologies through an operation on the brain, limiting itself to using endovascular techniques, thus connecting to blood vessels. Synchron’s stent, called Stentrodepass by one large vein exiting the cerebral cortex.

You can learn more on the Synchron website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.