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Tekken: chapter number 8 revealed in a teaser at EVO 2022?

Let’s get ready for the next fight: Kazuya takes us back to the past first and then to the present in the teaser of (most likely) Tekken 8

A summer ago, seeing Kazuya Mishima’s face in a Nintendo Direct hinted at a mere participation in another fighting game, but seeing him today in a teaser can mean only one thing: Tekken 8 is in progress. On the EVO 2022 stage, after the finals of the tournament dedicated to the previous chapter, Bandai Namco has released a trailer for the next update. Afterwards, the publisher offered those present a blast from the past with Heihachi’s… dive off the cliff, taken from Kazuya’s now iconic ending. A close-up that we know well, but which is not quite as we remembered it.

Do we have a Tekken 8 teaser on our hands?

The teaser passes for a moment from Kazuya’s face as it was in the first Tekken to what could be his counterpart in chapter number 8 of the series. However, we have no other details on this, apart from an unequivocal “Get Ready” that concluded the presentation. During the live stream, the director Katsuhiro Harada he made a short trip without, however, unbuttoning himself too much on this possible first glimpse of the future of the saga. If you want to relive this moment of pure salivation, the official account of the Steel Fist Tournament shared it on Twitter.

Even without knowing anything about it, we can afford to speculate that this is the eighth numbered episode in the franchise. Of course, the use of material exclusively taken from the progenitor of the series can also point towards a soft reboot or at least a remake. Bandai Namco maintains (unsurprisingly) a deathly silence on what has been shown, leading us to leverage all our proverbial patience as gamers. If nothing else, in the meantime the many updates to the current newest son of the saga will help us keep our nerve without going crazy!

Now it’s up to you to tell us yours: are you “ready” for the “next battle”? Let us know below, and as always don’t forget to stay on for all the most important news for gamers and more. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.