La caccia ha inizio: preparatevi a scavare in Forge of Empires thumbnail

The Hunt Begins: Get ready to dig in Forge of Empires

Su Forge of Empires comes theArcheology eventwhich will allow you to discover many amazing treasures and so on. The event will be held from 2 to 22 May: Here the players will have the opportunity to go into an ancient tomb e you go hunting for treasures. Let’s find out all the details together.

The Archeology event comes to Forge of Empires

Players can make their way through layers of sand by brushing, digging doing so explode minicharges to bring many treasures to light. Busy gamers will also be able to accept side missions and delve deeper to find some old clay tabletscontaining a lost knowledge which must be shared with the world.

All players who will participate in the event Archeologydal 2 to 22 May 2022will receive a unique prize: the beautiful set Butterfly Sanctuary. The Butterfly House is an upgradeable building that can be expanded with six garden buildingsincluding the Marigold Field, the Wildflower Expanse and the Sapphire Arch.

To make the most of the Butterfly House, players can place the garden buildings side by side; each of them will provide gods additional bonuses. Players can build them for get materials o coin upgrades.

A big news

This year comes an incredible news. All new players they can also get the grand prix of the Past archeology events. The Ferris wheel and theAircraft are available in daily rewards: do not miss this incredible opportunity.

There are also new avatars to unlock.

Then remember to find the 21 save just waiting to be found. Every day of the event you will find a new gem, hidden inside the tomb. Players who arrive on May 22 with all gems will get a incredible bonus.

Finally there will also be gods mini-games e missions which you can follow simultaneously. A possibility that brings a new level of complexity to a much loved game. Forge of Empires fans, get ready, because you will find many new challenges waiting for you.

Forge of Empires is available for free on browsers and mobile devices Android e iOS.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.