The Promised Neverland, the extra chapter with Isabella

The Promised Neverland, the extra chapter with Isabella

Weekly Shonen Jump releases the second extra story of The Promised Neverland: A Mother’s Determination, in which Isabella returns, and the mothers of Grace Field’s other children appear

In the new issue of Shonen Jump this week, we find the second side-story set in the world of The Promised Neverland, A Mother’s Determination.

After exploring the youth of Krone, in last week’s extra chapter, once again Posuka e Demizu they look to the past. But, this time, she is the mistress of the scene Isabella, the Mom assigned to Grace Field, as well as Ryan’s biological parent.

There is a common theme between Seeking the Sky of Freedom and this new extra story, the plight of human women chosen by demons to run the Farms. Once again, in fact, we breathe the climate of mistrust and conspiracy inherent among the Sisters, with particular attention to four of them: Jessica, Sienna, Scarlet e Matilda.

All, of course, hate Isabella, as she is the most skilled, and the favorite of the demons. As is customary in their world, their goal is to frame her with false evidence; but Isabella is about to do them an unexpected offer, which will completely change the perspective of their lives.

A Mother’s Determination is precious for two reasons: the first is the return to the pages of Jump by Isabella, who sacrificed herself for the freedom of the children she loved.

The second is the appearance of other mothers of Grace Field’s youth. Although not specified which ones, it is possible to deduce it from the physiognomy of women, by connecting for example Scarlet a Phil, e Sienna a Emma. A special and heartwarming Easter egg that fans will surely love.

The Promised Neverland, the extra chapter with Isabella

The future of The Promised Neverland.

Although the Posuka and Demizu manga ended this year, the universe of The Promised Neverland will remain with us for quite some time. Indeed, the animated series, after a very successful first season, he will return this January, postponed due to Covid-19.

But even more expectations is generating the arrival of the first Live Action, this Friday 18 December in Japanese cinemas.

The work, created by the director and screenwriter of Erased, will resume the first story arc of the manga, with one main difference. Indeed, children have a higher age limit, going up to 16 years, which will be the age of the three protagonists.