Tim Cook spiega perché Apple rifiuta il sistema RCS thumbnail

Tim Cook explains why Apple rejects RCS technology

Tim Cook explains why Apple rejects the RCS thumbnail system

Just yesterday Tim Cook met the reporter Kara Swisher at the Code Conference, along with Jony Ive and Laurene Powell Jobs. During the interview, the CEO of Apple was found to answer on the company’s refusal to adopt the standard Rich Communication Services – RCS -. And the response was nothing short of astounding.

RCS: Tim Cook explains why Apple rejects the system

“I don’t see our users asking us to put a lot of energy into this at the moment. I’d like to convert you to an iPhone ”, so Tim Cook replied to Kara Swisher about Apple’s choice not to“ embrace ”the RCS system. The reporter went on to explain that since her mother uses an Android device, she cannot send her certain videos due to her addiction to SMS. And the response from Apple’s CEO was simple: “Buy your mom an iPhone!”.

On the other hand, we know that Apple has long refused to adopt RCS, which would bring many features similar to iMessage on cross-platform communication between iPhone and Android devices. RCS, in fact, offers a series of useful updates compared to traditional SMS. These include improved group chats, higher resolution and larger attachments, and much more. Yet Apple does not seem to hear reasons. Not even after Google launched a campaign inviting the Cupertino company to accept the new system.

“It is time for Apple to resolve text messages – says the tech giant -. It’s not about the color of the bubbles. They are small photos and videos, without messages via wifi and without reading receipts. Apple creates these problems when we text each other from iPhones and Android phones, but it doesn’t do anything to fix it. ” But Apple has no incentive to adopt RCS, and instead continues to make updates to its iMessage platform. Sure, the company has made minor improvements to the SMS experience between iPhones and Android devices, including better support for Tapback in iOS 16. Aside from that, it’s clear that Apple has no plans to devote any time to RCS technology.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.