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Travel Photos: Common photography techniques to help you take relaxed, natural travel photos

The most important way to record the trip is to take photos, take a beautiful series of photos, to commemorate the years and times, to commemorate this wonderful journey

At the moment of encountering beauty, we have a strong urge to grasp it, to make it ours, to make it an important part of our lives. But beauty is fleeting and often disappears forever. We captured a beautiful travel moment. In this blog, we will discuss techniques for taking photos and capturing wonderful moments.

Take a photo with a street sign

Taking photos of street signs and stop signs can be really fun wherever we go, street signs can know where we are, and taking photos of local landmarks whenever we go is even more meaningful.

Learn to pose naturally at home

In addition to shooting outdoors, during our travels we often come across hotel rooms or hotels that are famous and full of local characteristics, so it is necessary to learn a little about indoor posing. For example, in Norway, to allow guests to fully enjoy the Norwegian natural scenery, each room has one or two large glass curtain walls and floor-to-ceiling transparent windows, which break the sense of distance between the room and nature . . Under the warm and soft sunlight, the most original breath of the forest comes to the face, which is a kind of white dress in which we can transform and integrate with the scenery, feeling the beauty of the journey.

Sunrise and Sunset

Half an hour before sunrise and half an hour after sunset are not only highly sought after by landscape photographers, but are also extremely suitable for portrait photography. The approximately two hours before sunset are called the “golden hour”. About an hour after sunset is called the Blue Hour. During these two and a half hours, the sky is at its most colorful and the sun is not too bright to cause overexposure of the sky. When you travel, you can also try to find the local sunrise and sunset and take photos of the sunrise and sunset that belong there. Sunrise and sunset, whether with a camera or a phone with a good photography function, like Oppo, can present unparalleled beauty. Everything is more beautiful in gold.

Costumes and props

Think a little more before traveling, you can greatly improve the beauty of your portrait photos. Specifically, it is best to have some knowledge of the local landscape in advance and match the clothes to it. For example, if you go to Japan, Taiwan or China with cool characteristics, the clothing you wear is best white, cotton and linen. If you want to go to the enthusiastic island, it is better to wear bright colors, which not only reflects a good figure but also looks more lively and adorable.

Travel Photos: Common photography techniques to help you take relaxed, natural travel photos

Color and background of the costume

A little extra thought before your trip can greatly improve the beauty of your portraits. Specifically, it is best to have some knowledge of the local landscape and suitable clothing in advance. For example, if you go to Japan, Taiwan or mainland China with cool characteristics, you can wear white, cotton and linen clothes. If you want to go to a hot country, such as Thailand, it is better to wear bright clothes, which can reflect a good figure, but also look more lively and attractive.


Photos are a means of remembering the past; traveling means doing many things big and small, significant or insignificant, with loved ones; all of these are worthy of being photographed and recorded and, one day in the future, to see how different we are in that moment. This is probably the simplest original intention and meaning of travel photography.