Twitter, licenziamenti e blocco delle assunzioni aspettando Musk thumbnail

Twitter 2.0, the new features announced by Elon Musk

Elon Musk he tweeted scatterly main features that he would like to see in his Twitter 2.0: the new version of the social you want to create. But now it has published alcune slide which he used during a presentation of the company, in which among other things he brought together all the new features he would like to launch.

The features Musk would like in Twitter 2.0

In slides presentedMusk first reported a communication: after the mass layoffs of the last few weeks, now the company begins to hire. Even if she has not specified numbers in this regard, nor which roles she would like to cover.

Then he reported some data on the number of subscribers and active users. However, they leave some methodological perplexities: the number of active users, for example, shows values ​​dated 2020, it is not clear whether by mistake or to portray the situation in a better way.

But if assessing the company’s performance after a month and without any slides on revenues and earnings is difficult, we find the more interesting proposals on the new Twitter services.

twitter functionality 2.0 min

The first novelty seems to be the advertising “as entertainment”, with an image of a quiz to figure out which house on Game of Thrones you belong to. Without further context, it looks like a link post for an external test, but maybe he thought of some extra news.

Also come the encrypted private messagesi “long-form tweets”, which look like online items within the app. The platform video internal, the relaunch of “Blue Verified” (after the chaos of the last few weeks) ei payments internal to the app.

At the moment we don’t know if and when these features will be implemented. We will keep you posted.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.