Twitter suggerirà app per prevenire le molestie thumbnail

Twitter attack: over 5 million accounts compromised

Twitter attack: over 5 million thumbnail accounts compromised

A violation to the detriment ofApps on Twitter allowed a hacker to gain access to ben’s contact details 5.4 million accounts. And that’s not all. The data, which connects the handles to users’ phone numbers and email addresses, is for sale on a hacking forum for 30 thousand dollars.

Twitter: App loses data from 5.4 million accounts

“A verified vulnerability in Twitter in January was exploited by the attacker to obtain account data from allegedly 5.4 million users – reads the Restore Privacy portal -. While Twitter has since corrected the vulnerability, the database allegedly acquired by this exploit is now being sold on a popular hacking forum ”. Apparently, in fact, some users have seen a user selling the stolen database on Breached Forums“The famous hacking forum that attracted international attention earlier this month with a data breach that exposed over 1 billion Chinese residents.”

Currently, therefore, there are the data of as many as 5.4 million Twitter App accounts at the mercy of hackers. “The vendor on the hack forum uses the username ‘devil’ and claims that the dataset includes ‘Celebrities, companies, random, OG, etc.'”. To verify the seriousness of the situation, Restore Privacy has decided to verify authenticity of accounts. And, apparently, all the samples examined “correspond to real-world people who can be easily verified with public profiles on Twitter“. At the moment, however, there is no precise way to understand if your account has also ended up among the hacked ones. In any case, we suggest that you treat all e-mails you receive with caution. For the rest, we wait for the Twitter App to tell us something.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.