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Uncharted: leak of the release date for the Legacy of Thieves Collection

The stolen goods, this time, is a release date: the Uncharted leak reveals the day to mark on the calendar for all Nathan’s fans

The announcement of Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection has been a blatant success for the exit date simultaneous for PC and PlayStation 5: the leak which we will discuss (always with pliers, of course) today also reveals which day we will have to mark. The remasters of the latest adventures by Naughty Dog mark the debut of Nathan Drake also on the monitors of the PC through Steam ed Epic Games Store. And it is to the latter that we owe the juicy information in question. There is no long wait to be able to relive the vicissitudes of the reckless thief with the mouse and keyboard.

Nathan Drake leaks the release date: a leak for the Uncharted collection

According to the sums drawn by Epic Games on its own site, the Legacy of Thieves Collection will bring the world of Uncharted to PC with the June 20, 2022 as an expected release date, but this is not the only source of the leak. The Steam database also mentions the exact same day. Of course, Valve’s marketplace has already taken steps to set the Streisand effect in motion. Any mention of the affected day has therefore been removed, which (if videogame history teaches) nine times out of ten is more a confirmation than a denial. As a matter of practice, however, we will take this “confirmation” as unofficial.

Either way, it’s only a matter of time now before an official announcement arrives from Sony itself. Assuming this leaked information is indeed correct, the azure titan will have a beautiful busy summer ahead of him. In what is already a crazy year for the gaming world, it is easy to forget that PlayStation Plus Extra e Premium are scheduled for the same summer period. Of course we invite you to be cautious, but if official confirmation arrives and the date is indeed that, we will struggle a lot to pretend our surprise. We will try, though.

Now it’s up to you to tell us yours: what do you think of the unexpected “confirmation”? Let us know below, and as always don’t forget to stay on for all the most important news for gamers and more. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.