Vivid: disponibili le nuove carte di credito personalizzabili thumbnail

Vivid launches new customizable credit cards

Vivid: new customizable thumbnail credit cards available

Vivid, a banking and investment platform that landed in Italy in April, announces the arrival of the customizable cards: with the next updates of the app it will be possible make your Vivid card unique, customizing it with icons and drawings and being able to choose between 4 new colors (in addition to the usual purple). The new cards are the spearhead of a series of initiatives with which the German fintech is making its customers’ experience more and more personal.

Vivid’s new cards: unique, personal and sustainable

The new feature of card customization will be available from the site from 9 August. It begins with the possibility of choose one of the new colors – blue, green, pink and turquoise – and di add an icon (e.g. a musical note or emoji) from a catalog provided by Vivid. From mid-August it will be possible to combine multiple icons on the same card, and finally with the next update you will be able to give free rein to your creativity, drawing by hand your initials, a phrase or any other graphic element you can create with your fingers. The new cards will be in Recycled PETG, characterized by high strength and durability.

The other news: an increasingly tailor-made experience

The card customization comes along with a number of other novelties that make the experience Vivid increasingly tailored to the individual customer. In recent weeks it has become possible to replace the icons on the main screen by uploading images from the gallery of your smartphone, while soon you will be able to choose new colors also for the virtual cards that the Vivid customers they can associate to the different accounts: from the silver used up to now it will be possible to switch to purple or to the other colors envisaged for the new physical cards, thus being able to visually distinguish cards dedicated to different purposes.

“People have always asked financial platforms for an experience that is closer to their specific needs,” he explains Alexander Emeshev, co-founder of Vivid. “We are proud to be able to satisfy this need also from a visual and aesthetic point of view: today we are among the first to offer truly unique and customizable cards, in addition to our iconic purple card in metal.”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.