Volvo Penta ha presentato al CES 2023 il futuro della nautica a portata di tutti thumbnail

Volvo Penta presented the future of boating within everyone’s reach at CES 2023

Volvo Penta, on the occasion of CES 2023 held in Las Vegas in recent days, presented a series of innovations regarding boating. The boating experience will be more accessible than ever, designed to forge a deep connection between humans and water.

Volvo Penta, here are the novelties presented at CES 2023

Technological evolution will be a key factor in giving life to the concept of “boating for everyoneby Volvo Penta. Here are some points on which the company focused.

Boating as a Service

Boating as a Service could provide a new way to enjoy the water by making it easier to access personalized onboard experiences so users can choose their own adventure.

This concept could see anyone wanting a boating experience, with preferences and equipment tailored, based on needs and experience levels.

By doing so, you create the potential for increase audience. There are gods experience packages can be found at the marina at a chosen time with varying levels of experience.

Volvo Penta Island Experience

The Volvo Penta Island Experience it is one of the most revolutionary examples in the nautical field. The concept is based on the fact that any vessel can become an independent islandharnessing the energy of the sun, wind and waves both for the internal use of the boat itself, you know for the electric recharge which allows the vessel to function in the best of worlds.

Artificial intelligence and automation
For the company, artificial intelligence and automation they are key elements to make boating accessible to all. Through AI, one can learn to steer the boat gradually and it could also be part of the package for more personalized experiences, such as recommendations on experiences, sports, destinations and more.

Volvo Penta

Ship-to-ship energy sharing and autonomous recharging

The company presented other exciting proposals at CES 2023. The first is the ship-to-ship energy sharingbut how? It would be enough for a group of boats in the immediate vicinity to redistribute the energy through automatic level monitoring. Each boat could then make sure they had one charge enough to reach his next destination.

The second proposal involves recharging from autonomous, mobile submersible batteries. Nicknamed Stingraythese batteries could charge the ships they are docked with and automatically connect and recharge as needed, without human intervention.

Future initiatives like these have the power to change the concept of what it means to go by boat, making it a shared and sustainable experiencethe aim of offering peace of mind.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.