Wear OS: buone notizie per i mancini, in futuro si potrà ruotare la UI thumbnail

Wear OS: good news for left-handers, in the future we can rotate the UI

Wear OS: good news for left-handers, in the future we will be able to rotate the UI thumbnail

After about four years, Google is preparing to release a highly anticipated new feature for Wear OS. In fact, in the future it will be possible rotate the screen 180 degrees so that you can wear the smartwatch on both the right and left wrists, also choosing how to position the various buttons to control the functionality of the device. The news represents an important news for the mancini or, more generally, for those who prefer to wear the smartwatch on the right wrist.

Wear OS will become more usable for left-handed people and for those who put the smartwatch on their right wrist

The new Wear OS feature is on its way, after a very long development. This is an important addition that will fill the existing gap with the Apple Watch. Note, however, that the ability to adjust the UI to the wrist will not be available for all Wear OS devices. According to a Google spokesperson, in fact, the new functionality it will be integrated “on the next devices”. Therefore, there may not be a “retroactive” update for smartwatches already on the market.

More details will come in the future

For the time being, no further details on the new feature have been disclosed. Google is working on the new WearOS update and is expected to release additional details in the coming weeks. It should be noted, in any case, that the choice not to introduce the functionality on previous smartphones could be linked to some hardware constraints. For users who already own a WearOS smartwatch, therefore, it may be necessary to switch devices.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.