WeTransfer down: il servizio non funziona thumbnail

WeTransfer down: the service doesn’t work

WeTransfer è down. For a few minutes the service has stopped working, with the site returning a simple message “Yikes! Looks like we’re not online at the moment ”or“ Ops, we’re not online right now “. However, the technicians already seem to be at work and have already identified the problem.

WeTransfer down today, March 14th

The File Transfer Service has stopped responding for approximately 40 minutes.

The website restitusice error, apologizes for the inconvenience and invites users to visit the status page to understand what is happening.
Here we find a first message, of 16.19 CET, with which WeTransfer informs that it is aware of the problem and that it has already identified the source, which seems to be linked to database of the service.

About twenty minutes later another message appeared, informing the team that they are working on a solution to make the platform accessible while they finish repairing the fault.

wetransfer down 14 marzo


WeTransfer seems to be operational again, even if the problem is not yet resolved and the platform shows some slowdown too many.

UPDATE AT 5.15pm

WeTransfer indicates that he has found a solution and is monitoring the situation, indicating possible delays both in file transfers and in sending emails.

wetransfer down March 14 update

However, the problem seems to persist given that the error page reappears every now and then.


Error messages keep appearing. WeTransfer reports that it is aware of the problem, that it has identified the cause and that it is working with the aim of releasing a new fix soon.


The problem seems to have resolved but WeTransfer reports that the performance is still low, so they will continue to monitor the situation.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.