YouTube migliora i risultati di ricerca rendendoli più visivi e in lingua straniera thumbnail

YouTube improves search results by making them more visual and in a foreign language

YouTube is applying changes to the search results: the philosophy followed is to make them more “visual” and offer more content in a foreign language. By offering the title, description and subtitles translated into the local language, YouTube is likely ready to render videos forever more “universal“In the fruition.

At the moment YouTube counts over 2 billion active users every month, and is the largest video source on the net. Considering the sheer amount of content that flocks to the platform, it’s no surprise that Google is working so hard for optimize search results and, consequently, the entire selection and fruition experience.

Updates to YouTube search results

In addition to these two novelties, in some countries such as India ed Indonesia the search results will also include links to external websites provided by the engine Google Search. It has not been announced whether this function will also be implemented in other countries, nor a possible roadmap with release times.

Updates add a “visual context” to searches. YouTube is introducing video chapters directly to the search page – these are images with timestamp which describe in detail the topics covered in the video in question. They aim to help the user decide if they actually want to start viewing content.

youtube Super Thanks

Another feature is also gaining ground, designed for mobile browsing on YouTube. This is the ability to start a preview of the video without actually starting it, during the scrolling phase. In this way the user can get a more detailed idea before starting to view a single piece of content by focusing attention on it.

As for the automatic translation into foreign languages, this could perhaps allow you to decrease the gap between video creators in English and those in other languages (although it is not impossible that even the reverse effect occurs).

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.