Sensei Togashi has finally taken over the beloved Hunter X Hunter this year, and the first chapter in a long time has appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump. Aliens Area of the newcomer Naba instead is cut from the magazine
The giant ship of Kakin’s expedition to the dark continent continues to be the scene of violent clashes. The henchmen of the emperor’s illegitimate daughter, Morena Prudo, powered by her nen, attack rival mafia member Hinring. But family deputy Xi-Yu is protected by nen’s creations of him, and will not be easily distracted from his mission to search for the Genei Ryodan.
After a four-year break, Hunter X Hunter regular publication on Jump resumes, and, for the first time, in digital simulcast.
A work now out of time, but which has lost none of its quality. Togashi he is the most loved and most hated sensei by readers, due to the frequent pauses he chooses to take in the publication of his manga. But the saga of the Dark Continent, as presented to us, has the potential to be the best ever in the manga world: dozens of factions have taken part in a silent war aboard a ship, with nen blows. And again, we are not even close to the Continent itself, which is said to be inhabited by creatures so terrible as to greatly exceed the Antichimere.
We have no way of knowing how long the regular posting will last. But, faced with the quality to which Togashi has accustomed us, we can not help but be patient and wait for the story to be told according to his timing.
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The cover of the magazine this week is dedicated to The Elusive Samuraithe new manga by Matsui now established. The Hojo’s last battle was a success for the fugitive young lord, but the usurping shogun has yet to be stopped.
An early ending instead for the debut work of Fusai Naba who winked at Men in Black, Aliens Area. An ending already announced and brought as natural as possible, but still premature.
Naba took a winning formula, but failed to bring the quality needed to stay in Shueisha magazine in any one area. Unlovable characters, unattractive story and aliens who still fail to be interesting. The work will continue with a dedicated graphic novel, a media that now seems to be the purgatory in which the titles that fail on the weekly end up.
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