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Apex Legends Mobile: new rewards coming for pre-registration

Apex Legends Mobile pre-registrations have reached mind-boggling numbers and EA celebrates with fantastic new in-game prizes available

After the opening of the Apex Legends Mobile pre-registration period the March 17the response was incredible and EA decided to celebrate with great prizes to redeem for users. With millions of players around the world waiting for the chance to play on Android and iOS, various rewards have been announced to celebrate a truly unexpected milestone. Apparently, more than 12 million users have decided to subscribe to receive the game on day one, and at the moment the community has reached all the sign-up rewards available so far.

Loads of rewards to redeem in Apex Legends Mobile!

Apex Legends Mobile rewards overlap with previously announced pre-registration rewards and will now feature two new rewards obtainable by reaching new achievements of pre-registered players:

  • Become Legendary Holospray – 15 million pre-registrations
  • Sunfire Initiative Skin per Pathfinder– 25 million pre-registrations

These new rewards are in addition to the previously announced ones that players have already unlocked by signing up and which include:

  • Pre-registered badge – 500.000
  • Fatal Games – Banner background – 1,000,000
  • Single target – pose banner – 2,500,000
  • hard bone – Epic skin for the R99 – 5,000,000
  • Lava Land – Skin Epica 10,000,000

Apex Legends Mobile: new rewards coming for pre-registration

To pre-register it is enough go to the online store of your smartphone and search for the game title, then click on “Pre-registered”. This action enables the automatic installation of the game on the release day, and of course it is totally free. The future promises to be bright for the mobile version of Apex Legends and we can’t wait to find out what’s coming up next and especially if there will be more fantastic prizes to redeem in the future.

What do you think of this news? Let us know in the comments and stay on our website for more updates on the world of video games, and don’t miss out on games at discounted prices on the Instant Gaming store.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.