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Cycle computer: how to choose cycling devices

In this article we will find out how to choose suitable devices for cycling through the offer of cycle computers. Here are all the details

The offer of cycle computer available on the market today is decidedly very broad. Finding the right one depends on specific needs of every user, also because some of the models that can easily be found in specialized shops they have high costs. Establishing how much you are willing to spend is always a good first step, in order to evaluate only the models that are truly of interest.

The functions of a cycle computer

Not all cyclists have the same needs; depending on type of cycling activity that takes place, but also from their own needit is important to evaluate different characteristics of this type of device. Looking among the cycle computers for bicycles on Bike Academy, for example, you notice that there are some particularly interesting ones simple and economicalwhile a good portion of the available models allows you to monitor many different parameters.

The simplest models do nothing more than verify the speedthe distance that has been traveled and the tempo employee. After finishing the journey you can view them maximum and average speed and the total distance travelled, during a single trip and over the months. To purchase a bike computer with these features it is not necessary to spend very large sums, there are also some models that allow you to add sensors laterallowing you to add features only if necessary.

Some models are also equipped with GPS, an element that does not cost too much today.

More complex cycle computers

In addition to the basic models, those perfect for a beginner or for those who do not intend to dedicate themselves to cycling too assiduously, you can also find truly complete cycle computer models and rich in functionality.

These models are equipped with a wide range of sensors, therefore, to install them it is often necessary to place cables along the bicycle or even on your body. This is the case, for example, of on-board computers with precise measurement of heart rateusing which you must wear a chest strap which acts as a heart rate monitor.

Today these small devices they can also be connected to the networkthrough Smartphone Wi-Fito check a itinerary or use app with maps; or they allow you to publish the itinerary followed on social media, or even monitor the maintenance status of the bicycle.

Clearly there are bicycle computer models equipped with very large displayswhich are used intuitively and which they possess rechargeable batteries long lasting.

How much does a cycle computer cost

As already mentioned, the prezzo of a bicycle computer can vary within a very wide range. The basic models have a lower cost, with devices costing a few tens of euros.

However, if these simple devices are not suitable for your needs and are desired advanced featuresand display a lot grandecon excellent visibility in all light conditions and connecting to the Wi-fithen the expense can easily increase tenfold.

However, this type of device is advisable for those who actually make cycling their favorite sport; both the cost and the presence of many different functionalitiesmakes them suitable for professional sportsman or to those who cycle several times a week and like to monitor all their training.

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