Green light to Era Ora: new film by Alessandro Aronadio

Green light for the filming of Era Ora, the new film by Alessandro Aronadio with Edoardo Leo and Barbara Ronchi

The shooting of the new film by Alessandro Aronadio, of It was time with Edoardo Leo e Barbara Ronchi. Director Aronadio, after his last two works: Ears e I am there, from 11 October he returns to the set again for this new weird, and exciting comedy, based mainly on time, It was time.

Era Ora is a co-production Bim Production, Palomar e Vision Distribution and will be distributed in Italy and all over the world by Vision Distribution.

Era Ora: what we know about the new project

The protagonists of It was time in the film they are called Dante and Alice, and they are a couple. In fact, the two have a beautiful relationship, and life goes on simple and transparent, except for a very small detail, or rather a factor: time. The time factor for Dante in the course of the play flows in a harmful way, this makes the protagonist experience this phenomenon in a bad way. In his work and daily commitments, Dante always manages to arrive late, because hindered and consumed by the thousand commitments and thoughts that he has. And because of that, he has the feeling that his life is moving too fast. As if he had set sail on a sumptuous descent. This thought wavering in his mind becomes reality when he turns forty without realizing it. From then on he finds himself skipping his life from year to year, losing control of it, as if that were someone else’s story and he was just observing it, a life that he thinks is slipping from his hands with so much ease and so much superfluity.

Green light to Era Ora: new film by Alessandro Aronadio

This is the summary of the comedy of Era Ora, the new film by Alessandro Aronadio. A film that certainly gives reflection to people who are more or less the same age as the protagonist.

On the other hand, who at the age of forty does not actually look back for a moment? Who doesn’t stop for a moment to reflect? Arriving at the venerable age of “anta“, It leads people like Dante to look inside themselves, to ponder on what one has experienced, on what has been built in the past, on what has been brought with us during the journey of those years now past.

Like when as a child you want to keep some toys that you can’t always carry with you, but that the little ones absolutely want with them, then what does a parent do? He boxes it in a trunk and then he will give it to the little creature when he / she is big, as well as when they grow up, like the protagonist, only instead of toys, they will go to put some memories.

in conclusion It was time, it is a film that must definitely be watched, and I am sure it will not disappoint, also having in the cast an Edoardo Leo, well regarded by the Italian public and especially by the female audience.

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Magdalena Skrok is an accomplished writer who delves into the realm of new movies and TV series. With an unwavering passion for cinematic storytelling, Magdalena keeps readers informed about the latest releases, upcoming projects, and exciting developments in the world of entertainment.