Lectio Magistralis di Steve McCurry: il video completo da rivedere thumbnail

Lectio Magistralis by Steve McCurry: the complete video to be reviewed

Lectio Magistralis by Steve McCurry: the complete video to be reviewed thumbnail

© Eolo Perfido

An interesting Lectio Magistralis organized by Leica Camera Italy with Raffles Milan. Protagonist one of the most important contemporary photographers: Steve McCurry.

The event, held in person but also live online, can be reviewed in full in the video that we report below.

Together with Steve McCurry there was Andrea Pacella, Director of Global Marketing and Communication of Leica Camera, with whom among the many topics they recalled some of the recent visits of the photographer to Italy, including a fake news immediately denied.

Of course, there was talk of photojournalism, of some of the most important and iconic photographs taken by McCurry and of course of the themes he addresses with his photography, from war to the most current topics of climate change. And for the more technical also the Leica SL2, the camera that McCurry usually uses.

Our suggestion is to take some time to enjoy this video, full of ideas and topics for reflection on the Leica Camera Italia YouTube channel.