Life is Strange: True Colors, the release of the Nintendo Switch version postponed

The release of Life is Strange: True Colors on Nintendo Switch, initially scheduled for next September 10th, has been postponed

After the announcement of the postponement of the Collection, another delay related to the Life is Strange videogame franchise has been announced. This time it is the version for Nintendo Switch from Life is Strange: True Colors, which will not be released on September 10th along with the other releases. On that date, the game will in fact be made available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and Stadia.

Life is Strange: True Colors, details on the postponement of the Nintendo Switch version

The news of the postponement of the release on the market of the Nintendo Switch version of Life is Strange: True Colors came fromofficial Twitter account of the game. At the moment, a new one has not been provided exit date, but this is expected to be set at a date of the current year. Also as regards the reasons behind this postponement, there is currently no information. In any case, in the same tweet in which the postponement is announced, it is stated that the date will be announced within weeks.

The arrival of Life is Strange: True Colors on Switch was announced last June, during an E3 panel. The news caused quite a stir as, at that time, no other game in the Square Enix saga was made available for Nintendo’s handheld console. Subsequently, it was announced that also for Life is Strange Remastered Collection there is the intention to create a version for the Nintendo Switch.

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Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.