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Più Libri più Liberi: attendance record

Più Libri Più Liberi closes today with a record number: the 100,000 participants in the festival and its 600 events made it possible to break all records

More Books More Freethe small and medium-sized publishing festival hosted in the Eur district of Rome, closes with record numbers: 100 thousand visitors in fact, they took part in the event, declaring an unprecedented success for this edition. The massive number of attendance attended the 600 events organized during the fair, which had as its central theme that of get lost and find yourself. The guests of this edition also contributed to the success of the project, such as Alessandro Barbero and Alessandro Baricco, the Iranian writer Azar Nafis and Alessandro Cattelan; the last, eagerly awaited appointment for these last hours of the fair is the one with Zero limestone and Ascanio Celestini.

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Diego Guidapresident of the small publishers section of the AIE, dedicated affectionate words to Più libri più libero, defining it as the home of small and medium-sized publishers; Annamaria Sickpresident of the festival instead testified enthusiastic words:

I can say that it was the most beautiful edition ever, with so many very popular meetings. Publishers are very satisfied with the attendance and sales, so that Più libri più liberi once again confirms itself as one of the most important events on the Italian and international publishing scene.

Più Libri più Liberi: attendance record

At the next meeting

Appointment with Più Libri Più Liberi is therefore for next year; the festival of small and medium-sized publishing will in fact be held from 6 to 10 December 2023 (and from 2025 the date will change), the theme will be “Names Things Cities Animals Flowers Plants”. The name, says the Spanish writer and philosopher Paul B. Preciousderives from the desire to create a project to browse during the fair and from the aim of creating a new world, in which things have a new name and are all-round welcoming.