Sony: Sunset Overdrive trademark registered?

Sony’s trademark registration of Sunset Overdrive could indicate the title’s upcoming arrival on PlayStation

Sunset Overdrive has been an Xbox One exclusive until now, but given thesuccessful purchase of its brand by Sony, the time has finally come to play the title on PlayStation as well. To make the landing of the title on this console even more likely, there is the fact that Insomniac Games, the software house that made it, is part of the PlayStation company since 2019.

Sunset Overdrive: will Sony’s acquisition of the brand bring the title to PlayStation?

The first to notice Sony’s acquisition of the Sunset Overdrive brand was level, the well-known insider on Twitter, and from his message it is possible to see that it dates back to last April 26th. The operation, which is therefore happened recently, it would seem to confirm some rumors, which would like one to arrive remaster of the PlayStation game.

As far as we would be extremely happy to be able to announce it already, it is fair to remember that Sony’s purchase of the rights to the Sunset Overdrive brand could be don’t mean the arrival of the RPG on PlayStation. This type of operations can also be carried out for other reasons: to prevent a third party from exploiting the brand or to guarantee exclusivity on the merchandise. To be sure about the future of this title and to know if it is actually destined to land on PlayStation we should wait for some confirmations from Sony.

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Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.