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The BMW In Tour starts, a journey between inclusiveness and sport

Part “BMW In Tour”, a journey between sport and inclusion. As, WEIRD (Association of Italian BMW Dealers). Eleven dealers in the BMW network in Italy and the Onlus Unsurpassed come together for “BMW ON TOUR”.

“BMW In Tour” is a journey that talks about sport and social inclusion. This under the hat of SpecialMente, the BMW Italia corporate social responsibility program that collaborates on the project.

“BMW On Tour”, how the idea was born

The idea of ​​the “BMW In Tour” was born fromAssociation of Italian BMW Dealers (ACIB). This is to help create social value and promote inclusion through sport. An initiative that bears witness to a business approach that includes a corporate citizenship strategy. And the “human touch” can go really far, beyond the perimeter of the market, to involve the territory in which the BMW network operates, bringing added value to society.

Il tour will be composed Of 11 stages. One for each Insuperabili headquarters and the reference BMW Group dealer in the area. In each stage a football match will be played between athletes.

Employees and volunteers and the local BMW dealer’s Team MVP (most valuable player) will be elected. At the end of the tour, all MVPs will form the Official BMW Dealer Team. “BMW ON TOUR” will end with the final match between the Official BMW Dealer Team and the Insuperabili First Official Serie A Team.

Off to the "BMW In Tour", source BMW press officeOff to the “BMW In Tour”, source BMW press office

“BMW In Tour”, i partner

Numerous partners have decided to support the initiative: Alphabet Italia, BMW Bank Italia, BMW Driving Experience, Car Garantie, Italia Bilanci, Visual Software.

The crowning glory of BMW IN TOUR is the support of AC Milan, BMW Italia’s strategic partner in sport for the past three years, which hosted the press conference to kick off the activities at Casa Milan.

“It’s really a pleasure to be here today at Casa Milan – he declared Massimiliano Di Silvestre, President and CEO of BMW Italy – to tell you about such an important project involving our network of dealers and the Insuperabili non-profit organization and which is part of our SpecialMente program of returning value to the society in which we live. And opening today’s meeting with the words of the Honorary Vice-President and flag of AC Milan, Franco Baresi was truly a privilege!”

“We have talked many times – continued Di Silvestre – about our corporate citizenship strategy with our dealers and in recent years we have rewarded partners who are particularly active in this area. But what we are announcing today truly represents something different, unique, let me say, exciting. For this reason I thank Enzo Zarattini, president of ACIB and the 11 dealers who have joined the initiative. We often say that the BMW Group exists because it has the ambition to move the body, heart and mind. Let me say that this project represents another milestone in our strategy of returning value to the society in which we live. Doing it alongside our dealers makes everything even more precious and symbolizes the extraordinary level of partnership that unites us and that goes beyond traditional business”.

“I join the words of President Di Silvestre – he added Enzo Zarattini, President of ACIB – in expressing all the satisfaction for having had the opportunity to participate, as an Association, in an extraordinary event which we all hold dear. The value of companies is also and above all measured in their ability and willingness to contribute to creating better conditions in the contexts in which they are called to operate.

We could not have seized a better opportunity and we are truly proud of it.

Doing it, then, in collaboration with BMW Italia only underlines once more the common sense of purpose that has always united us and that has always inspired our work.”

“BMW On Tour”, the words of the president of the Onlus Insuperabili

Davide Leonardi, President of the Onlus Insuperabili: “We are proud of this partnership, which pushes us to continue along the path we have been following over the years. Our values ​​coincide with those of an important group like BMW and we are honored by this. The goal will be to tell the meaning of the word inclusion and to give it concreteness. We will do this through an activity carried out in synergy with BMW dealer employees and we hope that this is just the first step of an adventure that pushes us to give our best”.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.