Traffico Pasqua 2023, i suggerimenti per mettersi in viaggio thumbnail

Traffic Easter 2023, suggestions for travelling

The exodus of Easter 2023 it is underway, with it the traffic as well. Above all, this is the first post-pandemic Easter. Where we can circulate without restrictions and masks. Then between Friday (April 7) and Tuesday (April 11) the repopulation on roads and highways for the tourist flow.

Traffic Easter 2023, the survey and forecasts

According to the study carried out by Acs Marketing Solution per Federalhotels. Il Easter traffic 2023 moves 11.5 million Italians. These the 95.6% remain in Italy.

For the management of any critical issues, Italy road network (a body set up in the Ministry of the Interior which brings together the main players and managers of the road infrastructure) is very active in communication. Most importantly, it monitors alternate routes when needed.

Traffic Easter 2023, source PixabayTraffic Easter 2023, source Pixabay

Traffic Easter 2023, the most congested nodes

Of course the traffic flows of Easter 2023 are expected on the director North South between Friday 7 and Saturday 8 April. While the return in the opposite direction is expected on Tuesday 11 April. There are also movements and west to east to Eastern Europe. These are for those returning to their countries of origin also taking advantage of the following week’s Orthodox Easter.

Also there is no shortage of congestion on la A4 Turin-Trieste between Venice and the capital of Friuli, due to the construction sites for the widening to three lanes. Queues and heavy traffic is there on A1 Milan-Naples. And in the stretch that leads from Rome to the Neapolitan city. Also keep an eye on the Apennine crossing between Bologna and Florence.

Traffic Easter 2023, source PixabayTraffic Easter 2023, source Pixabay

The open construction sites on the Ligurian motorways are still reported A10 Genoa-Ventimiglia and A12 Genoa-Rosignano. While on the A14 Bologna-Taranto there are possible queues in the Marches. Then in the province of Ascoli Piceno for the extraordinary works on some tunnels. These lead to the reduction to a single lane in each direction. Finally, queues are expected for boarding on the Strait of Messina at Villa San Giovanni (RC) towards Sicily, with waits of up to an hour.

Infine i blocks Of circulation by and vehicles commercial e heavy are active from Friday 7 April from 14 to 22Saturday 8 April from 9 to 16Sunday 9 and Monday 10 April from 9 to 22 as holidays and Tuesday 11 April from 9 to 14.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.