Valentino Rossi scende dalla moto: annunciato il ritiro thumbnail

Valentino Rossi: retirement from racing at the end of the season for the champion from Tavullia

In an extraordinary conference, Valentino Rossi announced the decision to retire from racing at the end of this season. The Tavullia champion greeted his fans and closes his glorious career.

Valentino Rossi announces his retirement from racing

Valentino Rossi drove professionally for 26 seasons. One of the most successful riders ever, the boy from Tavullia has conquered nine world titles. Five of these he took in a row, from 2001 to 2005. And he is also the only rider in the history of motorcycling to have won in four different classes: the 125, the 250, the 500 and finally the MotoGP. From 2014 he also became a sports manager, becoming the owner of Sky Racing Team VR46.

When such an athlete calls an extraordinary press conference, attention is maximum. The sound of the flashes as he approaches the chair. The joke to dampen the climate about the fact that there is not even a table behind which to hide the emotion, clearly visible on the face of the champion. First in English and then in Italian Valentino Rossi communicates his decision. Already at the beginning of the season he said that, after the summer break, he would decide his future, inside or outside the MotoGP.


The results were below expectations, the twenty-sixth season on the saddle of the Italian phenomenon is the worst ever. So he decided to leave the competition, with a bit of sadness evident in the eyes behind the smile he presents to the press. Rossi is about to close an extraordinary career, which has established it as one of the greatest ever. An icon of this sport, the most representative rider not only of the great two-wheeled tradition of our country, but of the whole world.

The champion has announced that this season will be his last. But with the his work in the Sky Racing Team VR46 it will not be the last page of his life in the world of motors. The passion and incredible talent shown in the saddle over all these years will find many other opportunities to prove themselves.

Valentino Rossi has decided not to compete, despite the possibility of racing for his team that many were hoping for. But Rossi has nothing more to prove: he is perhaps the greatest biker ever (or at least it is in the close circle of those who can aim for this title). Even though he will no longer race at a competitive level, he said clearly that he has no intention of leaving the bike in the garage: a love that continues. Today a champion is withdrawn e an icon of this sport. Thanks for all the emotions it gave us. Including the emotion during the announcement of today’s retreat.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.