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Best Selling Romance Novels – Ranking | March 2021

A ranking of the 10 best selling romance novels. Let’s see together in this guide which are the recommended books to make us live an incredible love story

Banned from those who think that love stories are only stuff for women: i romance novels are evolving, and the main protagonists are no longer poor girls who await the arrival of the charming prince! But what are the best romance novels to buy? This is why Amazon helps us, here is the 10 best selling romance novels on the well-known e-commerce.

Best selling romance novels: what is a romance novel?

Also defined with the English term Romance (romanticism or romantic), the romance novel is a literary product that tells a love story almost always with a happy ending. In recent years, traditional pink literature (characterized by a simple reading plot – almost like a fairy tale – and a 90% feminine vision) has been combined with the Chick lit genre, i.e. books with the basis of the romance novel but which feature career women, strong and with a biting humor. There are several in this ranking of best-selling romance novels. The emblem book of chick lit is certainly The Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding, but it is also right to mention Sophie Kinsella and her novels with pungent and independent protagonists.

Best Best Selling Romance Novels – Ranking

So here are the top 10 best-selling romance novels this month according to Amazon, let us know if you have read them and if you liked them.

Found a book that interests you in this ranking of best-selling pink texts? Let us know in the comments!

Looking for more?

Put aside the heart of stone, with these books the watchword is sentiment! But if you prefer other literary genres don’t worry, here are other guides divided by category:

You just have to immerse yourself in the pages of a good book, perhaps among the best bestselling romance novels of this ranking, whether printed or digital. Enjoy the reading! To stay updated on the world of reading and more, keep following us on the techgameworld.com pages!