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One Piece returns with the move of the Revolutionaries

Sabo’s Revolutionaries overthrow the governments of eight Reverie countries, declaring total war on the World Government. After the break, Oda prepares the last great One Piece story arc

Sabo and the Revolutionary Army enter into open war against the World Government. But not only: the Admiral Aramaki reveals his cruelty by attacking Wano, e Shanks he is also at the island, ready to make his move.

The chapter 1054 represents the return of One Piece to the pages of Shonen Jump after an exceptional one-month break. Oda used the break to prepare the final details regarding the closing of the Wano saga, and the opening of the final part of his work.

To understand what the last narrative arc will be dedicated to, just look at the themes presented in this last chapter. The Revolutionaries launch their offensive, and are ready to drag Luffy into the war, due to his relationship with Sabo. The Mugiwara, for their part, are about to come into conflict with Admiral Aramaki, an amoral defender of the status quo.

Finally, Shanks reminds us of the final goal, what moves all the characters of the work: the search and the finding of the One Piece. Will he be the first to get his hands on it?

One Piece returns with the move of the Revolutionaries

Not only One Piece: other highlights of Shonen Jump

My Hero accademiarecently on hiatus every other week, makes its appearance in the current issue of the magazine. Bakugo gets hit hard by Shigaraki, but doesn’t seem to want to give up.

Still on the subject of One Piece, this week Jump also contains a new episode of Shokugeki no Sanjithe spin off created by the authors of Food Wars!, Tsukuda and Saeki. This time, a very young Sanji faces a tough test on the Baratie, to prove to Zeff and the others that he has what it takes to be a chef.

Breakthrough and perhaps opening of the last narrative arc also for The Elusive Samurai by Matsui. Heir Hojo reveals himself to the warriors of his fiefdom, and is ready to march openly against the Kamakura usurper’s shogunate.

As always, Weekly Shonen Jump can be read for free on MangaPlus.