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“A World of Difference”: Angelo Chiacchio’s shots with Google

It has just been celebrated the World Photography Day, and for the occasion Google has unveiled the “A World of Difference” project. It was developed together with the photographer and designer Angelo Chiacchio, who traveled the world to create this digital photographic exhibition.

Angelo has traveled from one corner of the planet to another for well 300 days, to create his exhibition and turn it into reality on Google Arts & Culture. The aim of the project is to raise public awareness of important issues, such as cultural diversity and sustainable tourism.

Through the beauty and technology of Angelo’s shots, “A World of Difference” succeeds in its goal, thanks to evocative and meaningful images.

a world of difference angel chat photo

The world is changing rapidly: the climate and socio-economic upheavals they are threatening not only natural landscapes, but also small communities spread across the globe.

We also remind you that the project was carried out in collaboration with the non-profit organization “Art Works for Change“.

Google’s article on the “A World of Difference” exhibition

Here is what is reported directly from the blogpost article of Google Italy:

From the resilient women of the Himba Tribe of Namibia to the otherworldly landscape of Mount Roraima in Venezuela, you can discover the stories of more than 25 localities and communities that inhabit these endangered places. Among these, explore the Tibetan culture in the Himalayas, see how life is changing for the communities near Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and be amazed by how the locals are trying to adapt to these changes involving the Brazilian white desert. Learn about the traditions and their trades and how communities are continually overcoming new challenges to preserve their way of life.

The lesson learned during Angelo’s journey, aimed at documenting the fragile heritage of the Earth, is that of respecting the environment and rebalancing the way we live it. Although the Miccosukee people of Florida’s Everglades mostly follow a modern lifestyle, they continue to try to preserve their heritage. The Uro community of Lake Titicaca, which for thousands of years has lived on floating islands built with reeds, has found a way to balance the constant growth of tourism while still offering its young people the opportunity to keep traditions alive: hosting tourists in their homes, so that they can personally share their culture. Through the territories and cultures of this studio, Angelo brings to light philosophies that are universal in their application and absolutely breathtaking thanks to this medium.